Friday 19 September 2008

Release Information and Still Frenzy

Apologies for being an absolutely rubbish blogger over the past few months. We've been so busy on the project, especially over the past few weeks, that there's barely been time to fart, let alone update the blog. Accept my sincerest apologies, and be safe in the knowledge I shan't ignore you anymore. :-D

You'll be happy to know the making of the movie is moving along at a jolly good pace. I'd say we were around 75% complete now.

Here's some information regarding the upcoming release of the movie. We're hoping to have the whole project on YouTube for Christmas Day this year... That's less than 100 days away!

However, don't worry if you can't wait that long. A teaser trailer will be making it's way to YouTube in the next few weeks. After that, a full theatrical trailer will be uploaded during early November. Then, as the release date draws very close, for every Monday in December I'll be uploading a short clip of the movie to tease you even more.

As you've all been so patient - and I've been such a poor blogger, here's a collection of stills from the movie. As you can see, it's really starting to take shape now.

There, doesn't that look exciting? Expect more stills, news and updates over the next few days - this blog is most definitely back on track.

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