Saturday, 20 September 2008

Race with the Devil, Fonts and Music

Just to prove that yesterday wasn't a mere flash in the pan, I thought I'd make another brief update today and let you know what I've been up to. I've been hard at work, and a fair percentage of the footage we've acquired is pieced together in a rough cut now; however most of the footage still needs the orchestral score sorting out. I'm planning on creating two versions of the movie - one using a minimalist electronic score a la Tyler Bates' work in Rob Zombie's Halloween (2007) remake, another with deliberate roughening of the footage reminiscent of the drive-in fare the original Torso was most definitely a part of, complete with the original score by the de Angelis brothers. Kyle Webster, who plays Stefano in the movie, has expressed interest in forming his own cut of the movie - which would be interesting to see what someone else does with the story. That's a possible three alternate versions of Torso - more information on this as it becomes available.

Speaking of drive-in movies, I watched 20th Century Fox's 1975 effort Race with the Devil today, a film that I haven't seen since I was around six, and remember being distinctly petrified of. Of course, the effect of sixteen years of horror movies has jaded my interpretation of the movie. However, the film is the perfect example of mid-1970s genre fare, whilst being a new genre all in itself - an action/thriller/horror/satanist ritual/car chase movie, if you will. All of that, with a funky '74 RV complete with mini-bar (didn't spot any J&B, sadly), and the ever-lovely Loretta Swit in a starring role. You simply can't go wrong, and I'd recommend checking it out. I'd love to use the font from the opening credits of that movie in Torso, so I guess that means trawling the internet for who-knows how long. I'll let you know how I get on.

Anyway, I've just got my hands on a copy of Chi Sei? (1974), so I'm off to watch that.

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