Monday, 14 April 2008

A Lazy Update

As it's so late I'll leave the run-down of classic gialli I mentioned on Saturday until later in the week, so not too much news to update you with tonight. I've spent the evening drinking J&B (Edwige would be proud) with Rory, who, my housemate John commented, was dancing the Michael Jackson "Thriller" dance to every song that came on the radio.
Maybe it'd be best if he left the dancing and stuck to acting.

In other "star" news (look out for these names in future editions of Heat, people), Sarah has had a whopping great fringe cut into her hair. Whilst it does absolutely nothing for the continuity of the footage (I'm sure we can work around it); it does look very nice.

Speaking of those two, here's their continuity shots from the first night of shooting. There was a second photograph of Sarah, with Rory grabbing her boobs, but I thought that one had best stay in the archive. You never know. Maybe I'll include it as an Easter egg on the DVD.

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